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Teeth Whitening: The Birthday Gift Everyone Will Love

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_resnick @ 8:32 pm
Young woman smiles and embraces her friend after receiving a birthday present

Part of being an adult means having a harder and harder time coming up with a wish list for your birthday. You don’t play with the same toys you did when you were three, and at some point, you started to prefer purchasing your own household equipment. But handing over a wad of cash (or a Venmo transfer of credit) isn’t much fun for the giver. How can you satisfy both parties for this birthday tradition?

Consider asking for a teeth whitening treatment! If you want brighter pearly whites, your birthday present is a great opportunity. Here’s why.

You’ll Have Your Treatment Costs Covered

Unfortunately, dental insurance plans don’t usually cover teeth whitening treatments. Birthday presents, on the other hand, are 100% covered by the givers! This could be your chance to receive a cosmetic dental treatment at no cost to you.

You’ll Always Appreciate Whiter Teeth

Everyone’s received a gift or two that seemed really exciting in the moment but is probably now collecting dust somewhere in an undisclosed location. For one thing, you can’t put your smile in a box. For another, you won’t want too anyway. Seeing your whitened teeth in the mirror and photos will always feel deeply satisfying.

Dental Cosmetics Can Give Your Mental Health a Boost

Studies show that cosmetically enhanced teeth can contribute to improved mental health. The past couple of years have been difficult for many, and with election season just around the corner, a confidence boost could be just what you need. After a teeth whitening, you’ll be ready to strut your stuff!

Smiles Go Miles in The Job Market

Studies also show that job interviews tend to choose candidates with cleaner-looking teeth. Your dentist’s professional grade whitening-agents will certainly have your pearly whites looking pristine. Think about it: your birthday present could help you get a new job. Now that’s a practical gift!

Pretty Teeth Are Good for You

Now, teeth whitening doesn’t directly improve your oral health. However, many patients seek out this treatment so they can smile more without worries. Well, the mere act of smiling is known to help your immune system, which empowers you to fight off dental terrors like tooth decay and gum disease. Plus, you’ll be motivated to put more consistent effort into brushing and flossing your newly whitened teeth, which also keeps dental conditions at bay.

All of these benefits of teeth whitening are great, but at the end of the day, your birthday present should excite and thrill you. A glistening smile fits the bill for many patients, and if cosmetically enhancing your teeth’s aesthetics sounds awesome, that’s all the reason you need!

About the Author

Dr. David S. Rosenfeld is passionate about combining quality and aesthetics to provide patients with their dream smile. He is a highly experienced and skilled dentist and has received advanced training in cosmetic dentistry. If you or someone you know would love a teeth whitening treatment, give Dr. Rosenfeld a call! You can contact his office at 908-668-7838 or request an appointment online through his website.

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